My little moment of calm

The last few weeks have been pretty stressing for me, pushing me to the limits and making me wonder when the bad times would stop. Pressure from other people to make things happen in an impossible situation led to me breaking down in front of my GP in pure desperation.

But sometimes our blackest moments are a turning point, it would seem. On Monday, just when I was despairing of being able to resolve the situation, things turned around and, as if by a miracle, there was a glimmer of hope.

I apologise for being so vague, but I can’t go into details for various reasons. I’m sharing this with you to show that, no matter how impossible it can seem at times, solutions can be found or simply happen, and it’s important to never give up.

During this stressing time, a book I’d ordered arrived. Little Moments of Calm. Never has a book delivery been so timely! With beautiful pictures and mindfulness prose on every page, it is a book you can dip into when the mood takes you, and you’ll always find something to take away from it.

As a break from all the madness around me, I decided to make a short video, using my own photos and some images from the book, which the author kindly allowed me to do. I couldn’t do any writing, so this seemed as good a way as any to put all the stress behind me for a couple of hours and create my own moment of calm.

The video is on my Facebook author page, you can click here to see it. While it’s true that a book can’t solve your problems, it can help you put things into perspective, realise that others have been through what you’re going through, and fill you with positive thoughts that give you the strength to carry on.

You can find Sarah’s book on Amazon:

Amazon US
Amazon UK

What do you do when you need to take a break from everything and find your own moments of calm? Let me know in the comments.


positive meme

12 thoughts on “My little moment of calm

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    1. You’re welcome. Books can take you away from reality for a while, which can be a great help in certain moments of your life.


  1. When I’m feeling down, I enjoy watching a sunset and then marvel at the twinkling stars. I never get tired of thinking how special we are to experience this beauty called nature.

    I hope everything is getting better for you Helen!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That sounds perfect, Joanie. I agree, sitting outside at night is a wonderfully calming experience.
    Yes, things are getting better, thank you. 🙂


  3. My sister runs a Positive Thinking business and regularly posts inspirational thoughts on her FB page. She always seems to find the one that speaks to me when I need it most. We all need timely reminders that the universe is bigger than we are and there is always a way through. xx

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I definitely had books fall into my lap at times just when I needed them. Thank you for the recommendation, and sharing!! I hope things are getting better for you! Xx

    Liked by 1 person

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